Fireapis lets you add tables without any restriction. We also support different type of relational link between tables in a particular environment
Tables created within an environment will be always specific to that environment, You won't be able to use them in other tables.
We use PostgreSQL database to manage all your data. Whatever PostgreSQL supports, we will also support and continuously improve upon.
All the timestamp-related fields will be stored in UTC timezone
Below are the common column types supported in tables:
Text: Store a text or string value, for example: "fireapis no-code backend".
Number: Store only an integer (whole number). For example: 22, 23. Decimal numbers are not accepted in this column type. For example: 22.30, 23.54.
Number with Decimal: Store a decimal numbers. For example: 22.32, 23.12. This type of column for pricing or weighted quantities, etc.
Boolean: Store only a true or false value. Text or numbers will not be accepted.
Date & Time: Store a timestamp with date and time. For example: 2024-05-15T14:07:10.619Z.
URL: Store only URLs type column. For example:
IP Address: Store text in IP format. For example:
Date: Store a timestamp with only the date; time will always be 00:00:00. With this field, you won't be able to retrieve time. Example input 2024-05-15T14:07:10.619Z, which will store only the date.
Time: Store a timestamp with only the time; date will not be stored. This field always return the time when retrieved. Example input 2024-05-15T14:07:10.619Z, which will store only the time.
Reference to Another Table: Store a relationship between tables. Learn more about table relationship and their purposes on our blog. Types of Relation Supported by Fireapis:
One to One:
This type of relation is useful in the following cases: First case: If you want to link a user with their profile. In this case, your can link the user table to the profile table, as each user will always have one profile. Second case: If you have orders, which always contain one customer, you can link the customer table in a one-to-one relationship with the orders table.
Many to One: This type of relation is useful in the following cases: First case: If an order can have many menu items, you can link the menu items table to the orders table. Second case: If a user has many conversation ,then the conversation table will have a many-to-one relationship with the users table.
You can learn more about table relationships and their implementation in detail on our blog.
Last updated
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