
Connect your fireapis backend with third-party application using webhooks triggers

Webhooks is the way of making your data flow from fireapis to other third-party applications for every action that are performed on API Resource. Currently, Webhooks trigger actions are:


Triggers the endpoint whenever creating a record action is performed on configured API Resource


Triggers the endpoint whenever updating a record action is performed on configured API Resource


Triggers the endpoint whenever deleting a record action is performed on configured API Resource

All the webhooks Endpoints will get a POST request with a payload of the data for which respective actions are done.

Creating a webhooks

  1. We will need a third-party application webhooks listener endpoint for which trigger action to be requested

  2. Go to your fireapis account and Click Add Webhook, Now you will be asked to give webhooks name, description, API Resource for which webhooks configuration is made and type of events that needs to be triggered

  3. After entering all your details, click Create Webhook. You will be seeing your new webhooks on the list.

Last updated